Customer journey map – services for business - Codeq

Customer journey map – services for business

The customer journey map helps businesses understand the path customers take from initial interaction to. It enables tailored products services to meet specific needs. By identifying key moments and areas for improvement, it enhances the customer experience, increasing loyalty and satisfaction.

What is a customer journey map?

The Customer Journey Map (CJM) is a tool used to visually represent the complete path that a customer goes through from their first contact with a brand to the finalization of a transaction. CJM allows for a better understanding of the customer experience, identification of key moments and areas where interactions with the customer can be improved, as well as customization of products and services to their needs.

Better understanding of customers

The Customer Journey Map allows for a deeper understanding of customers’ needs, expectations, and, which enables better customization of offerings to meet their needs.e

Optimized touchpoints

Thanks to the Customer Journey Map, you can identify key moments when interact with the brand and optimize these touchpoints to provide them with an excellent experience.

Personalized interactions

The Customer Journey Map helps in delivering more personalized and satisfying experiences, which contributes to increasing their loyalty.

Efficiency of processes

The Customer Journey Map allows for identifying areas where the efficiency of business processes can be increased, resulting in time and resource savings.

Excellent customer experience

Thanks to the Customer Journey Map, you can focus providing a comprehensive, and satisfying experience to at every stage of journey.

Case Study

Supersonic Food – Food of the Future. Health food store.


Our cooperation with SUPERSONIC Food began with store optimization, and after a few months it turned into full maintenance of the e-commerce website. Thanks to our cooperation with SUPERSONIC Food, we managed to achieve results that resulted in increased sales and improved website use (User Experience).

I recommend cooperation with Codeq to everyone looking for a dedicated e-commerce partner. Their holistic approach to e-commerce development, maintenance and security was crucial to the success of our online store.

Chris Kozak Founder @ SuperSonic Food

Benefits of customer journey mapping

Mapping the customer journey is valuable for several reasons:

  1. Understanding customer: Mapping the journey allows companies to better understand their customers. This helps them to know their needs, expectations, and preferences at each stage of interaction with the brand.
  2. Improving customer experience: Mapping the customer journey enables the identification of areas that need improvement. A company can adjust its processes and strategies to better meet customer expectations and provide them with positive experiences.
  3. Personalizing the offering: Through customer journey mapping, a company can better understand individual customer needs and preferences. Based on this information, they can tailor their offerings and communication to better align with customer expectations.
  4. Increasing customer loyalty: Better understanding customers and tailoring offerings to their needs can contribute to increased customer loyalty. Customers who receive personalized and satisfying experiences are more likely to remain loyal to the brand.
  5. Improving business efficiency: Customer journey mapping allows companies to identify and eliminate unnecessary or problematic stages in the customer service process. This can improve business efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.
  6. Market competitiveness: A company that effectively maps the customer journey and adjusts its actions to customer needs can gain a competitive advantage in the market. Better understanding customers and offering them personalized solutions can attract new customers and increase market share.

It is worth mapping the customer journey because it allows companies to better understand customers, improve customer experiences, increase loyalty and business efficiency, and be more competitive in the market.

How to create a customer journey map?

Creating a customer journey map can be described in the following steps:

  1. Gathering information: The process starts with collecting information about the various stages that customers go through when interacting with a company. This includes identifying all possible touchpoints such as the website, social media, customer service, physical store, etc.
  2. Analyzing customer journey stages: Based on the gathered information, each stage of the customer journey needs be analyzed. This involves identifying customer expectations and needs at each stage and determining how the company can meet them.
  3. Creating visualization: Using the analysis of the customer journey stages, a visualization can be created to represent the different stages in the form of a diagram or graph. The visualization should be clear and concise, making it easy to see the entire customer path.
  4. Identifying areas for improvement: Analyzing the customer journey map can help identify areas that need improvement. This involves focusing on finding touchpoints that are problematic or fail to meet customer expectations.
  5. Optimizing business processes: Based on the insights from the customer journey map, changes can be made to optimize business processes. The goal is to align marketing strategies and customer service with customer needs and expectations.
  6. Personalizing the customer experience: The customer journey map can also be used to personalize the customer experience. Using the information gathered on the map, offers and communication can be tailored to individual customer needs and preferences.
  7. Monitoring and measuring results: After implementing changes and optimizations, it is important to monitor and measure the results. This involves regularly analyzing data and checking if the implemented changes are producing the desired outcomes.

Insights from the customer journey map can be used to improve customer retention, increase brand loyalty, and refine marketing strategies and customer service.

Customer journey mapping process

The customer journey mapping process is a method used by businesses to understand and visualize the various stages and touchpoints that a customer goes through when interacting with their company. It involves gathering information about each stage, analyzing customer expectations and needs, and creating a visual representation of the customer’s path.

The process starts with collecting information about the different touchpoints a customer may encounter, such as the company’s website, social media, customer service, and physical store. This information helps identify all possible interactions a customer may have with the company.

Next, each stage of the customer journey is analyzed. This involves understanding the customer’s expectations and needs at each stage and determining how the company can meet them. For example, during the awareness stage, the customer may be looking for information about the company’s products or services. The analysis helps identify areas where the company can improve the customer experience and meet these expectations.

Based on the analysis, a visualization is created to represent the customer journey. This can be in the form of a diagram or graph that shows the different stages and touchpoints. The visualization should be clear and easy to understand, allowing the company to see the entire customer path at a glance.

The customer journey map can be used to identify areas for improvement. By analyzing the map, the company can pinpoint touchpoints that are problematic or fail to meet customer expectations. This information can then be used to optimize business processes and align marketing strategies and customer service with customer needs and expectations.

Additionally, the customer journey map can be used to personalize the customer experience. By understanding the customer’s journey and preferences, the company can tailor offers and communication to individual customers, enhancing their experience and increasing satisfaction.

Finally, the customer journey map should be regularly monitored and measured to track the effectiveness of any changes or optimizations made. This helps the company evaluate the impact of their efforts and make further improvements if necessary.

Overall, the customer journey mapping process provides valuable insights for businesses to improve customer retention, increase brand loyalty, and refine their marketing strategies and customer service.

Customer journey mapping services by Codeq

The purchase journey, also known as a customer journey map is a tool used to understand and visualize the path that customers take from the moment they become interested in a product or to the point of making a purchase. It is a process that encompasses various stages such as awareness, consideration, decision, and loyalty.

A customer journey map can be valuable for businesses as it allows them to gain a better understanding of the needs and expectations of customers at each stage of their purchasing journey. This enables them to focus their marketing and sales efforts on providing the right information and experiences that help customers make a purchasing decision.

Improve the customer experience thanks to journey mapping

User journey mapping is a process that helps understand the paths take when interacting with particular product or service. By identifying key stages, touchpoints, and user emotions, we can gain a better understanding of their and expectations.

Through user journey mapping, we can identify potential issues and barriers that users may encounter while using a product or service. By eliminating these obstacles and improving the user experience, we can increase conversion rates.

User journey mapping also allows us to better understand user needs at each stage of their journey. This enables us to tailor communication and offerings to specific user expectations, which can contribute to increased engagement and conversion.

In summary, user journey mapping helps identify issues, customize the user experience, and better understand user needs, ultimately leading to increased conversion rates.

User journey map – websites, e-commerce and apps

A user journey map is a visual representation the steps and experiences a user goes through when with a website, e-commerce platform, or mobile app. It helps to understand the user’s perspective and identify areas for improvement in the user experience.

A user journey map typically includes the following elements:

  1. User Persona: A fictional representation of the target user, including their demographics, goals, and motivations.
  2. Touchpoints: The various points of interaction between the user and the website, e-commerce platform, or app. This could include visiting the website, searching for products, adding items to the cart, making a purchase, and receiving confirmation emails.
  3. Actions and Emotions: The specific actions the user takes at each touchpoint and the emotions they may experience during the process. For example, frustration when encountering a complex checkout process or satisfaction when finding a desired product.
  4. Pain Points: The obstacles or challenges that users may encounter during their journey. This could include slow loading times, confusing navigation, or difficulty in finding relevant information.
  5. Opportunities: Areas where improvements can be made to enhance the user experience and increase conversion rates. This could involve simplifying the checkout process, providing clear product descriptions, or offering personalized recommendations.

By creating a user journey map, businesses can gain insights into the user’s perspective, identify pain points, and make informed decisions to optimize the user experience. It helps to align the goals of the business with the needs and expectations of the users, ultimately leading to a more successful and satisfying interaction.

Trust our workflow

Great information architecture and comfortable navigation help users achieve their goals on your website. Build a website with us.


During the discovery phase, we collect all the necessary data that allows us to make informed decisions in the following stages of the project. It helps us co-create a clear roadmap and product backlog (not sure what you mean by backlog here, maybe replace this with strategy).


The UX and design phase consist of visualizing a previously developed concept. We recreate the information architecture and actualise your business goals through UX. Finally, the digital product comes to life with a specific visual style that aligns with your brand identity.


Using the right tools and tech stack, everything from discovery and design is transformed into the language of technology. Every solution is complemented by extensive testing from a wide range of devices.


The implementation of a digital product is only the beginning of the adventure. We offer support with maintenance and further development and are continuously present for our clients. Equipped with analytical data, we can create hypotheses and conduct A / B tests.

I recommend cooperation with Codeq to everyone looking for a dedicated e-commerce partner. Their holistic approach to e-commerce development, maintenance and security was crucial to the success of our online store.

chris kozak
Chris Kozak Co-Founder @ SuperSonic Food

Tools we use at work

Google Analytics 4
Attention Insights

Benefits of collaborating with Codeq

A 12 month warranty

The quality of work is not only empty promises. The warranty will give you assurance that our solution will be free from defects.

An experienced and well-coordinated project team

We employ the best WordPress and Shopify Developers in Poland with many years of commercial experience. We provide the highest quality of code and ongoing communication.

Efficient communication and project management

The refined and tested project management process and the continuous care of the Project Manager guarantee uninterrupted access to the status of our projects.

Technological polyglots

There are many specialists of various technologies on board our team. Thanks to them we are able to be your eyes and ears in the constantly changing world of technology.

Elevate your digital presence with our Expertise


Free consultation with an expert – maximum focus on your idea

Analysis of challenges and issues in the field of UX Design and Development

Recommendations for best practices in UX design and Development

A comprehensive plan to implement the idea from scratch to finish


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